Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter! Jesus is back and chillin' (don't know if he ever left), and Arthur is back on Facebook and Twitter!

Damn I have a lot of notifications. Look for yourself..
Click to enlarge. To sum it up...
  • 21 Friend Requests
  • 56 Messages
  • 62 Notifications
  • 76 Other Requests
That is the result of spending 40ish days without Facebook. It was pretty hard to get through all of Lent without signing on -- I had the urge at least once a day. Did it for the Big Guy Upstairs though, and also for myself. It didn't help that my friends would be asking me if I saw what so-and-so posted on Facebook. Whatever.

It feels good to be back though, felt like I was disconnected for real. People were telling me that they posted on my wall to 'Reconnect' with me. I didn't know what was happening on the weekends. I was lost.

Syke, but I really didn't know what was going on.

Facebook hasn't changed much though -- people are all still there, the chat still blows balls, and I still continue to get 2190380218 FarmVille requests.

No I won't send you a cow. No I won't fertilize your farm. No I won't send you fruit. No I won't raise your gamecock *pause*.

Screw FarmVille. Happy Easter!


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