Tuesday, December 10, 2013

New York - day 1

 this is going to look weird because I'm doing this from my phone,  but I'm in New York for the week.  took the red eye here,  probs won't take a red eye again lol  although I don't really feel tired right now. I think it's because I drink alot of water.  my gf is here with me and she's sleeping smh.  she doesn't drink any water.

 first thing,  we're staying at a really nice place on wall street.  my gf found it via air bnb  and it was roughly 200  dollars cheaper than a hotel.  I'll try to include pics later.  oh yeah  first time walking in we saw omeka okafor  who us used to  play for the charlotte  bobcats.  he opened the door for us it was on some king  chit lol.

 first thing we a te was  Katz,  fuark most apps sandwich in existence.  it was almost like we came from Seattle js for that (I wouldn't be mad either).  after that we were close to soho  so we went shopping -- I bought alot of stuff smh  at least more than I usually do.  to my credit I also got gifts for others lol.  oh yeah we saw a guy get knocked out by the nypd  bc he tried to steal a hat from tommy hilfiger  lmaoooooo get owned  nerd.  but srs the chip was like pinning him down on some wrestlemania  chit while people were tapping it with Thierry phones  on  some woooooorrrlllstaaaahhhhh  type stuff.

 anyway,  we chillin at the place now and I handled bathroom business so I'm relaxed chillin in my financial district studio reading books on business productivity ( srs). I think the guy were renting from is on his entrepreneurial thing and he has all the books on my list regarding productivity.  so ya I'm actually still reading on vacation which could be sad or really kewl depending on ur perspective.

I think it's kewl. k  bye  maybe again tmrw


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